How Sphinx Default Role Works#

What is "default role"?#

The default role (`content`) has no special meaning by default. You are free to use it for anything you like, e.g. variable names; use the default_role config value to set it to a known role – the any role to find anything or the py:obj role to find Python objects are very useful for this.



::`content` is equal to `content`, and both of them have same interpreted text "content" and rolename name "" (an empty string).

How it works? The principle is temporarily registering the default role with an empty string when parsing.

Setup "default role"#

Default-role can be configured by directive default-role (doc-level) or confval default_role (project-level).

Default Role Registration#

Current there are tow ways for registering default role, one for doc-level and one for project-level.

Project-level Registration#

The sphinx.docutils.rst.default_role() is a contextlib.contextmanager. As context of with clause: when entering clause, function register the default role with empty string, when leaving, unregister it

def default_role(docname: str, name: str) -> Iterator[None]:
    if name:
        dummy_reporter = Reporter('', 4, 4)
        role_fn, _ = roles.role(name, english, 0, dummy_reporter)
        if role_fn:
            docutils.register_role('', role_fn)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            logger.warning(__('default role %s not found'), name, location=docname)




We can learn docutils.parsers.rst.roles.role() is a good way to lookup role funtion by name. use default_role context when parsing each document:

def read_doc(self, docname: str, *, _cache: bool = True) -> None:
    """Parse a file and add/update inventory entries for the doctree."""

    # …
    with sphinx_domains(self.env), rst.default_role(docname, self.config.default_role):
        # set up error_handler for the target document
                              UnicodeDecodeErrorHandler(docname))  # type: ignore[arg-type]

        doctree = publisher.document

    # …

Doc-level registration#

Sphinx overrides docutils' default-role` implementation, use sphinx.directives.DefaultRole instead.

In the run method, directivees add default role name to sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment.temp_data. temp_data is a document-independent storage.


You may wonder why there is no logic for handling unregistering. In fact, the unregistering of the default role is always completed by the default_role context above.



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